For any payment by Interac, contact us at (514) 692-5477

Our good addresses

At Maleterre, we are committed to sharing the treasures of our region with our guests. As Charlevoix enthusiasts, we will be happy to reveal our good addresses and local tips. Whether it is to taste regional dishes in picturesque restaurants, explore less traveled trails in the heart of nature, or discover local artisans, our team will be happy to guide you towards authentic experiences.

Take advantage of expert advice to transform your stay with us into an unforgettable adventure, imbued with the very essence of Charlevoix.

Our actions

We are very proud to participate in “Operation Empty Bottles” SPCA Charlevoix. We drop off your returnable bottles and cans left in rooms at the Saint-Hilarion SPCA. A great way to be generous and ecological all together and towards animals.

Our good addresses

20% off every ticket purchased

By choosing to reside AT CHEZ MALETERRE you benefit from a 10% reduction on each ticket purchased*.

*(proof of reservation applies before ticket purchase, please contact us for further information).

Operating from Baie-Saint-Paul, Saint-Irénée and Cap-à-l’Aigle since 2001, Katabatik – Aventure dans Charlevoix offers outdoor experiences and activities accessible to all: sea kayaking excursions on the Saint-Laurent, descent of the Gouffre river in recreational kayak (family activity), paddle board (SUP), canyoning in the waterfalls and bicycle rental.